Tracegenie Pro
Instant search - Electoral roll - People finder
Need to find someone - Search by name - Search by area

Tracegenie Pro for commercial users

Person Search

birth year
2024-2007 voters roll
2006 voters roll
2005 voters roll
2004 voters roll
Company Directors
Marriage records
Birth records
Death records

Postcode search

Postcode search



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  • No need to buy search credits  -  our people search packages are all inclusive and cover unlimited searches of our databases.
  • 1 year TG Pro £238.99
  • 7 day £15.00
  • 1 year £150.00
  • Subscriptions automatically expire. No rolling agreements. 1 day means just that!

Tracegenie Pro for commercial users

Tracegenie Pro provides additional & enhanced data for business users
*Free trial is available to bona fide commercial/professional users only - we will not respond to requests from anonymous email addresses such as gmail, outlook, yahoo, live, etc. Eligible businesses will operate their own domain based email & verifiable website.

No rebilling - we won't auto renew your subscription

Pricing - buy access to Tracegenie Pro £238.99 inc vat - that's less than £5 per week!

Enhanced search criteria enables the location of 2 individuals residing at the same address just by using their names. Results returned include date of birth information, telephone numbers, time at address and forwarding information where available.

Most data covers the last 18 years with some records such as marriages going back to the 1980's. We have in excess of 400 million records available to search. Users include Solicitors, Utilities, Local & National Government and other commercial entities. The pro version of Tracegenie is not available to non commercial users and we will need to satisfy ourselves that you are a bonafide commercial user before granting access. Upon purchasing a subscription online, you will be granted access to Tracegenie Pro where you can make an unlimited number of searches within your subscription period.

Complete the form below for a free trial of Tracegenie Pro *(verifiable businesses only)


Records are drawn from the current & historic copies of the edited Electoral register

Easy to use, just enter a name or address and see the result on screen immediately

Search as many times as you like in a 24 hour period for £5.00
Commercial users can select Tracegenie Pro
Find that long lost friend or family member

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Tracegenie Pro - free trial commercial users only

No need to buy credits

Offline Tracing services:

Full TRACE Investigation- without contact £37.00 our experienced researchers find the person you specify using data, investigative and local enquiries. Not just a list of name matches but a guarantee that the result provided relates to the correct person.

Payments securely processed by

secure payments by Sagepay

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Choose your plan

One day

£5.00 / Day

  • Personal use
  • Unlimited searches
  • All datasets

One month

£20.00 / Month

  • Personal use
  • Unlimited searches
  • 30 days access

One year

£150.00 / inc vat

  • Commercial/Personal use
  • Unlimited searches
  • 400 million records